Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church was organized in December of 1892, with 29 charter members. The first church building was constructed on two acres of land donated by J.C. Whitten. Our present building is the third building and stands on that same property. Present membership is 282.
Worship services were conducted once a month until 1952, when the church began ‘half-time’ services, having preaching services two Sundays each month, with Sunday School every Sunday.
The church began meeting ‘full-time’ in 1958, with Bro. O. Jay Ramick as the first full time pastor. Sweet Home endorsed Bro. Ramick as missionary to Washington, D.C. in 1959. In that same year, a parsonage was built adjacent to the church.
In her first 100 years of existence, Sweet Home has had 27 different men who have served as pastors. Through these years, hundreds have been led to the Savior. Several men from the congregation have felt the call of God upon their lives and have become preachers of the Gospel.
Sweet Home has long been recognized for her gospel singing, which was nurtured by ‘singing school’ being taught regularly through the years.
While the history of Sweet Home Baptist Church is honorable, the future is bright as she continues to stand as a lighthouse offering a beacon of hope in our community. May we give our best to the Master as we labor together in His church!