** updated on January 28, 2025 **
Nursery next week-Sherry and Allison
Children's Chapel next week-Kellie C, Sarah, Caroline
Online giving for the church is set up and available on our website. If you have any issues, contact Camron Hurst.
Remember our building project and the workers involved in it. Drive by and take a look at the progress or stop and join in.
If you'd like to recycle your Christmas cards, please leave the fronts in the pastor's foyer. Any type of cards are usable. They are sent to a children's home in Nevada for their fundraising project.
Prayerfully consider the Bible reading project that Bro. Neal has presented to us.
There are envelopes available in the foyer to donate to our building project. If all envelopes are used, that will be $68,500 toward our $300,000 goal.
Drawings of the building addition proposal are available in the foyer. They are by no means final. Please look them over and let our committee know what you think
Talk to our remodel team with ideas, questions or suggestions about fellowship hall and youth facility changes. Beau Fulcher, Scott Hollinger, Clayton Wilson, Camron Hurst and Jeff Goodman are the guys to see.