Jim Bennett’s Personal Testimony
Born May 27, 1959 – Died (Yet to be determined)
MY TESTIMONY OF MY SALVATION JIM BENNETT HENDERSON, NV. To start with let me give you a little of my background. I was raised up until the age of 9 or so in a Missionary Baptist Church. My Dad is a Deacon of a Missionary Baptist Church. At this age, my Mom and Dad actually moved to town about 20 miles away and we fell away from going to church. I had some relatives that belonged to First United Pentecostal Church in Poplar Bluff, MO and they talked my Mom and Dad into letting me and my two sisters ride the church bus and go to church here with them. We attended here for some time, my two sisters were supposedly saved and baptized and became members of that church, but something just always did not set right with me. I had a lot of questions that my Sunday School teacher could not answer. The one that caused me to cease going to that church was, they believed in baptizing in the name of Jesus, not the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And when I questioned the pastor he called me the Devil and told me a 9-10 year old boy, to get out of the church and never come back. I really never got back into church until I was saved. I went to college, got hired on with Wal-Mart, got married to my lovely wife, Rhonda, and moved 8 times in 11 years. We never went to church regularly. Then while I was a District Manager in Oregon, I was called home, my Dad was ill, I was home for 2 weeks and he never knew I was there. I resolved myself at this time that I would never see Dad alive again. Dad and Mom had gotten back in church and were very involved, and Dad was a deacon, and he was saved, and he was concerned about me. I went back to Oregon, and Wal-Mart transferred me here to Sin City (Las Vegas, NV.). About 10 months later, almost miraculously, my Dad called and said he was well enough to come see us, if I would send him a ticket. I did. And March 1, 1996, my Mom and Dad flew to Las Vegas to spend a month with me and my family. As he got off the plane he asked me where Lone Mountain Road was, because if he was going to be here a month, he was going to church, and he said I WAS GOING WITH HIM! But you see I liked to play golf on Sundays, and the first Sunday I did not go. My wife and kids did though. The second Sunday I went, and the third and the fourth, then Mom and Dad had to leave. My oldest daughter came up to me and said, “Dad, since Grandpa and Grandma are leaving, does that mean we will never go to church again?” I promised her this would not be the case and we started going each service. On April 21, 1996 in the AM service I was really under conviction. I wanted to be saved! I started to step out and go forward, but Satan stopped me, another man stepped out and I just stepped back into my pew. I went home that afternoon and convinced myself I was OK, after all I did believe in Jesus (Head Knowledge). That evening, as the sermon began, Pastor Larry Frye, stated, that someone here tonight, probably believes that just because they believe in a historical Jesus, they were alright, then he quoted James 2: 19, the devils also believe and they tremble. I ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR THAT NIGHT, at the altar in Lone Mountain MBC in Las Vegas. Then on October 13, 1996 I surrendered to the ministry of Jesus Christ, and March 15, 1998 I was ordained, and May 3, 1998, we had our first services at Wagonwheel MBM in Henderson, NV. JESUS IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN MY LIFE.
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